
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Shocking!: Medicaid expansions help people, says NEJM

Let's be honest...sometimes it's easier just to jump to the Conclusion:

State Medicaid expansions to cover low-income adults were significantly associated
with reduced mortality as well as improved coverage, access to care, and self-reported health."

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published a study comparing 3 states that adopted Medicaid expansions to "control states" that did not.  And, apparently after adjusting for all the things you're supposed to adjust for, the expand-States had reduced mortality (esp. among adults ages 35-64), improved access to care, and better self-reported health...


Friday, August 24, 2012

Lessons from the Cheesecake Factory

If you haven't seen it yet, Dr. Atul Gawande has another great New Yorker article on healthcare.  This time, he does on deep-dive on the super-efficient restaurant chain, Cheesecake Factory, and basically talks about how healthcare is....well, nothing like that.  Click here for the full article (warning; it's long!)

Outside of getting an insider's guide to the wonderful world of Cheesecake Factory operations, I like the story he tells about his mom getting a total knee get a sense of the high variation in healthcare, among and even within hospitals....and how some forward-thinking doctors were able reduce variation and give his mother some high-quality healthcare!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Healthcare JV's, M&A

Terms like "Joint Venture" and "Mergers and Acquisitions" don't typically come to mind when you think healthcare....well....times are changing:

1) Group Health Cooperative recently formed a Joint Venture with a Catholic Health System in Spokane, WA to provide more efficient healthcare services:

2) Private Equity Firm Ceberus Capital Management now owns Steward Healthcare in Boston, turning it into a for-profit system that is now positioned to compete with big players such as Mass Gen, Brigham....

Is this good for healthcare?  I suppose time will tell.