
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Decline of the Physician Private Practice

CNN released an article today noting that "the number of physicians unloading their practices to hospitals is up 30% to 40% in the last five years." Cost pressures, myriad policy changes and the shifting reimbursement landscape are forcing health care practices to become more efficient in the way they do business - and for a small physician practice, managing business expenses and operations is not an easy task. For many physicians, it's becoming easier to sell their practices (or even outsource their administrative functions to entities like University Hospital's UH Physician Services in Cleveland) so they can focus on patient care. Are the days of the private practice coming to an end?  I'm all for efficiency in operations and the benefits of scale - and maybe this will become more and more appealing to the next generation of physicians. Said one physician in the article, "my hours are better. I'm not spending hours on administrative work or worrying about my business."

You know, I would totally throw a fit if my favorite local coffee shop was ever pushed or bought out by a larger chain - but when it comes to health care?  Put me in the cheapest and most efficient setting, no problem.  As long as I can still see my doctor...

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