
Friday, June 29, 2012

Health Reform Lives!

Yes, I baked these cookies yesterday.

3 quick comments regarding yesterday's events:

1) While good for the Obama campaign, the mandate will inevitably be spun as a new tax on Americans by  Romney & Co. (to the effect of $500bn (link) in new taxes according to his televised reaction yesterday)...I wonder where this figure comes from?

2) The NYTimes published an article today about mounting pressures to meet PPACA deadlines (link)  Some States, such as WI, are even holding out until November...this just does not seem very smart to me...arrogance > reason:

"Mr. Walker quickly raised the risk by announcing that, in spite of the ruling, he would continue to delay any imposition of the law while waiting to see whether Republicans took control of the White House or Congress in November. Republicans on Capitol Hill, and the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, have vowed to repeal the entire law if they gain power."

2) What about Medicaid expansions being left up to the States?  There wasn't too much talk about this yesterday, but I think it's an important point...will Health Reform help the poor attain health insurance?  From ABC: 

"Renee M. Landers of Suffolk University Law school says the impact of today’s ruling, “could reduce the number of people who will be eligible for Medicaid because it is easier for the states to opt out.”"

I suppose we'll find out in time.  Regardless, Team Obama has made history...and  some pretty Healthy Health Policy!

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