
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Health Sherpa

I have had many friends contact me in the past few weeks about that mess of a website, - yes, it is frustrating.  Yes, they botched the roll-out and yes I am extremely disappointed.  There is no way I can defend this.

So I have to at least share a story covered in an NPR broadcast a few days ago when I was out in Seattle.  Apparently, 3 guys from Silicon Valley have created a super-easy to use website called Heath Sherpa that will tell you what insurance plans you are eligible for based on your income and location.  It's extremely fast and user-friendly.  One of its creators, Ning Liang, said on NPR that the goal was to have visitors get an "answer" in 5 seconds or less of visiting the homepage.

While the site does not have the ability to verify income or allow visitors to actually purchase plans, it is at least a starting point for those in the individual market to understand what plans may be available for them (and their costs) once the government site is working.  Link here: